Need last minute Father’s Day cards?

by Raki Wright | Last Updated December 30, 2015

need fathers day card

Not you!  Remember that stack of blank cards that you can use throughout the year for multiple purposes?  These cards are perfect for all occasions because you can print any message, image, or photograph on them. Print as few or as many cards as desired. They eliminate the need to go out and purchase individual cards on a case by case basis.

You can add graphics and text to White Father’s Day note cards or White Father’s Day greeting cards.

Burris Computer Forms makes printing your own forms easy!

1.      Purchase a supply of blank greeting cards or blank note cards.

2.      Burris recommends using Microsoft Word 2007, which automatically downloads templates, featuring a gallery of greeting card layouts with artwork and text. Users open a new document, choose Microsoft Office Online template, choose greeting cards, choose a card, and download.

3.      Print using your computer and your printer.

Use our free templates for Microsoft Word and Publisher if you would rather start with a blank template and create your own design.

About Father’s Day

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