What Can You Do With An LS-U? Part 4: Shipping Label + Picking Ticket

by Chelsea Camper | Last Updated December 30, 2015

When you get an order online there are several shipping forms that you need to print out:

  • Shipping label
  • Picking ticket (also known as a packing slip)
  • Invoice
  • Return information

It may seem like a lot of forms to keep up with, but by collating all of your shipping forms to a single sheet you can save time and money.

Here are 3 reasons your should print your shipping label and picking ticket on the same form:

Keeps Information Togetherls u picking ticket

  • Shipping forms in one place. If you have your shipping label and picking ticket on separate sheets, you have to keep both sheets together and look in two places for information on one order.
  • Stay together until package prepped for shipment. You can greatly reduce shipping errors by collating your shipping label and picking ticket onto a single form. This keeps all the information for the order together on a single sheet so it’s far less likely to get the shipping label or picking ticket for one order mixed up with another order.

Customize Your Shipping Label and Picking Ticket by Using Sheet Labels

  • Design the layout of your forms. If your eCommerce program requires a certain layout you can design your own sheet label to accommodate it.
  • Add logo to shipping label. This is a great idea if you’re selling through Amazon, eBay, or other large eRetailer. There are so many other businesses selling in the same pool as you that you want your customers to remember you. Add your logo to the shipping label or packing list to help your customers remember you.

Save Money and Time by Using One Sheet

  • Save time by only having to look at one sheet. You can fill your orders faster when you’re not trying to make sure the packing list you’re working with goes with the shipping label on another sheet of paper.
  • Saves money by cutting down the amount of paper needed. You can use less paper when you use one sheet to print multiple shipping forms.

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