Our new Tri-Fold Mailers make brochure printing easy.

Tri-Fold helps communicate with customers:

  • Control brochure design and print mailers in-house - no need to take your project to a print shop
  • Print without addressing and stuffing envelopes - Fast, efficient way to send out a turnaround piece

Tri-Fold mailers help speed response:

Eliminate self-addressed stamped envelopes

Reduce return postage to the postcard rate with our Small Trifold Reply Card, compared to the standard postage rate.

Our Tri-Fold Mailers come in large (8 ½" x 11") and small (6" x 11"). Each sheet is scored for easy folding and the reply card is perforated for easy removal. They meet all USPS regulations and work well on laser and inkjet printers. Labels, which are 1" by 5/8", are included for easy sealing and mailing. Brochure template available for FREE download.

To find out which of our products will work in your printer, check out our Find Your Paper tool.

To view prices, place an order or to request samples click on one of our many product offerings below:

Result Pages:
large trifold mailer with reply card
TriFold Mailers - Large
small mailer with reply postcard
TriFold Mailers - Small
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