Avoid 8 common shipping errors

by Raki Wright | Last Updated April 28, 2017

avoid common shipping errors
Avoid these 8 Common Shipping Errors:

  1. Old shipping address.  Verify your customer’s shipping address on every  order.  If not, it can cost you $10 or more per box by your carrier.  Worse, your package may not get delivered and will be returned to you.
  2. Bad shipping address.  Use an automated address verification system (like ones offered by USPS, FedEx, and UPS).
  3. Incorrect weight.  Weigh packages on a digital scale.  Keep in mind that some carriers round up the weight to the next pound.
  4. Unreliable packaging material.  Use high quality shipping supplies including crush resistant boxes, sturdy tape, and shipping label sheets.
  5. Missing international paperwork.  Complete the appropriate import/export documentation (ask your carrier).
  6. Barcode doesn’t scan. Don’t cover your barcode label with tape and ensure your carrier can scan your labels printed with an inkjet printer or (ask your package pickup driver to test).
  7. Shipped wrong product.  Process orders more efficiently by combining your packing list and shipping label on one sheet.
  8. Shipped wrong quantity.  Have 2 people review the order before it’s completed.  This is a great way to catch the wrong product or the wrong quantity before it’s shipped.

With shipping label sheets, you print your packing slip or invoice on the same sheet as your shipping & return labels. We have over 27 layouts that are compatible with USPS® Click-N-Ship, UPS®, FedEx®, QuickBooks®, PayPal® as well as Amazon.com® and eBay®.

Are you guilty of any of these shipping crimes?