Spring is almost here!
Time for outreach, Easter services, and donation drives
Often times, we are asked “I am a church. How can I use your products”?
Many of our church customers create announcements and cards to invite visitors, welcome new members, promote vacation Bible school and announce service drives.
Other ideas:

- Church invitation cards – cards for members to use to invite guests to church services
- Church visitor cards – cards for visitors and guests to complete to share information and request information
- Church welcome cards provide churches with unique ways of welcoming visitors, new members, and new residents. Churches use the cards to attract new visitors and increase membership. Personalized messages, service times, locations, special events, maps, and directions can be printed on the cards. Users can design and print the blank forms with any message using many different software programs (including Microsoft® Word & Microsoft® Publisher) on a copier, inkjet, or laser printer.
- Church door hangers (See: How to make door hangers for church )
Perhaps you have success stories you could share about how printing your own postcards, notecards, doorhangers, and other products has helped your ministry? Please share your ideas in the comments of this blog post to help others with their ministries.
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