How We Saved At Least 15% on Postage: Part 5

by Raki Wright | Last Updated May 4, 2016

Read How We Saved At Least 15% on Postage: Part 1

Read How We Saved At Least 15% on Postage: Part 2

Read How We Saved At Least 15% on Postage: Part 3

Read How We Saved At Least 15% on Postage: Part 4

Mail Entry Overview:

Discount mail must be taken to your Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU). You must keep all documents and receipts for 1 year from each mailing date. Locate your BMEU at

This is the same office where you apply for your mailing permit, obtain and submit postage statements, and pay for your postage. The staff are a great resource for all your business mail questions. They will generally be able to answer questions about sorting, barcoding, rates, dimensions, mail piece design, and more because they verify that your mail meets these guidelines.
When you enter the office, tell the staff you have a mailing to send. They will take a sample (about 10-20 pieces) of your mailing to weigh, which will determine the weight of an individual mailing piece. Then, your postage statement and CASS Summary Report will be reviewed to compare how many pieces you stated were in the mailing. This will be compared to the weight they obtain for your full mailing. The barcoding scanner will also be used to ensure your barcodes can be read by the machinery. Your paperwork will be completed, postage paid for, and receipt issued.

I hope your BMEU is as nice and helpful as ours.