Print Your Own Tip: Advantages of Duplex Printing

by Raki Wright | Last Updated July 19, 2019

When you print your own, it’s good to duplex print because it is good for the environment, your wallet, and your filing cabinet:

  • Reduces paper waste
  • Saves paper
  • Print outs takes up less space in your filing system

Duplex printing means that you’re printing on both sides of the paper. There are two ways to duplex:

  • Manual Duplexing
  • Auto Duplexing

Manual Duplexing is where you feed the paper into the printer twice in order to print on both sides. Auto Duplexing means you only need to feed the paper once and the printer will automatically print on both sides of the paper before it spits it out into the finished tray.

Not all printers can Auto Duplex, but you can Manually Duplex with most printers.

Microsoft® resources available:

*How do I know if my printer has duplex printing capability?  Can I set my printer to do this automatically?

*How do I manually duplex print?