5 Reasons to Use Shipping Labels by the Sheet

by Chelsea Camper | Last Updated December 30, 2015

There is an easier way for online shippers (like those that sell on Amazon) to print and place their shipping labels on their packages than cutting and taping them on.

Just use shipping labels by the sheet!

1. No more cutting and taping youramazon shipping labels by the sheet labels on!

  • Fewer supplies to buy. Instead of having to make sure you have a tape dispenser, plenty of packing tape to tape on the label and tape up your package, and enough copy paper for an invoice and shipping label for every order, you only need to order your labels by the sheet.
  • No fighting with the tape to lay flat. If you’ve ever gotten a crinkle in the tap over the bar code before you’ve probably had your package returned. When the tape doesn’t lay perfectly flat over the bar code, it can make it hard (or even impossible) for your carrier to scan it.

2. Faster to just peel and place.

  • No time wasted cutting the labels out. Depending on how many packages you send out on a daily basis, this can save you anywhere between half and hour and two hours. Not to mention you won’t have to be worrying about whether or not your label has straight edges.
  • Once printed, you just peel and place. How easy is that? Print, peel, and place!

3. Labels are made with thicker paper.

  • Can’t see patterns/text on box through paper. Whether you’re using Regional boxes from the USPS or reusing your own boxes, most boxes have some kind of text, graphics, or patter on them. Copy paper is generally see through and having the patterns/text on the box showing through the paper could interfere with your bar code.
  • Labels are less likely to tear. Because the labels are made of a slightly thicker material, they’re less likely to tear. Standard copy paper is 20 lb. (bond). The paper used for creating labels by the sheet is slightly thicker at 24 lb. (bond).

ls-u packing list invoice shipping label4. Print the packing list and shipping label on the same sheet.

  • Increase accuracy by printing packing list along side the shipping label. By keeping the shipping label and packing list together on one sheet, the shipping label stays with the information for its corresponding order right up until the package is prepared for shipping. This helps to ensure that the customer is getting the right items.
  • Save paper by printing invoice and shipping label on same paper. You can print your invoice on the same sheet as your label and then tear off the invoice (via perforation) and place it in the box as it’s prepared for shipping.

5. Fewer paper cuts.

  • Paper cuts aren’t fun. ): Sometimes it’s the little things that just make you so mad! Paper cuts are almost as bad as when the little kick stand on the gas pump is broken so you have to stand there and hold the leaver. The chance of you getting a paper cut while peeling off a label is a lot less than if you were cutting out several labels a day from copy paper. Plus those little finger band-aids never stay on very well.


What other reasons can you think of to use labels instead of copy paper for online shipping labels?

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