8UP Postcard Series: Save on Metered Printing

by Chelsea Camper | Last Updated December 30, 2015

Postcards are heavily used in direct mail because they can be incredibly effective. Using a metered printer can also be effective for your business as long as you don’t go over your allotted printed sheet limit.

Fortunately, 8UP Postcards can help you save money when using metered printing by halving the amount of sheets you’re printing. But first let’s talk a little about what “metered printing” is before we talk about how 8UP postcards can help you save money on it.

What is “Metered Printing”?8up postcard series save on metered printing

Metered printing is a way of leasing or buying a printer with a contract that allots you X amount of prints per month/year. If you go over X amount of prints per month/year you are charged an addition amount for every sheet that’s printed over your allotted amount. Signing up for metered printing can allow you to get special service options.

It is typically measured by a “per click” charge where a “click” is measured by a sheet of paper running through the printer. For many metered printers a click can be anything from a 4×6 postcard to an 11×17 sheet.

How can 8UP Postcards Save on Metered Printing?

Many direct mailers are used to using 4UP Postcards which is a 8.5×11″ sheet of postcard paper perfed to yield four 4.25×5.5″ postcards. If those same direct mailers used 8UP Postcards they could halve the amount of paper they’re using to print the same amount of postcards.

Example: To print 400 postcards using 4UP Postcards would take 100 sheets (that’s 100 clicks). Using 8UP Postcards to print 400 postcards would only take 50 sheets (50 clicks).


Awesome, right?


Stay tuned to the blog to catch the rest of this series every Thursday in June! There will also be a special 8UP Postcard eBook available at the end of this series. Sign up to make sure you get it as soon as it’s released!

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