How To Print Your Own Custom Retail Tags

by Chelsea Camper | Last Updated July 19, 2019

Many businesses can benefit from printing their own retail tags. For example: Consignment stores, mom and pop shops, specialty stores, etc.

It’s easy to print your own retail tags! All you need are a few basic Microsoft Office programs and a printer! We’ll show you how.

Print Your Own Retail Tags

In this post we’ll be looking at the example business “Cassy’s Consignment Store.” Cassy is tired of hand writing her inventory and prices. She has decided to start printing her own retail tags so that she doesn’t have to buy a bunch of preprinted tags up front. By buying blank tags in bulk she can choose how many she wants to print at a time; allowing her to change her tag design whenever she’d like.


Step 1: Download the Blank Tag Template

You can download the template either from the product page or the template “product page.”

T8RT Step 1 Download the 8up tag template


Step 2: Open the Blank Template

Open the blank tag template in Microsoft Word (some may have opened automatically). One page is for the front, the other page is for the back.

The smaller rows block off the area around the holes in the tags. Use the larger cells for your design.

T8RT Step 2 Open blank tag template in Microsoft Word


Step 3: Design Your Retail Tags

Now you get to design your own retail tags! You can add barcodes to your custom retail tags by mail merging the barcode codes from Excel. In this design I’ll be using text boxes to make sure everything is positioned correctly.

**Rember: When mail merging, you must use the table part of the template. You cannot mail merge into a text box.

T8RT Step 3 Design your own custom retail tags


Step 4: Print Your Retail Tags

Do a test print on regular paper to make sure your design will line up with your tags and that you’re feeding the paper correctly. Here’s how ours turned out. How did yours turn out?

T8RT Step 4a Printed retail tags full page

T8RT Step 4b Printed retail tags with loop


T8RT Step 4c Printed retail tags close up